In this life we share many similarities and common experiences which unite us all. Sometimes expectations and the speed with which we are living warps the way that we relate to one another.  When we recognise that our experience of what might feel like unique suffering is likely to be identified with and shared with others – we open the door to compassion and empathy.

The Caring Care Professional:

A care professional is generally expected to carry out many different duties that support the individual to live their life as independently as possible. This part of the job is important, however, in equal measure, their behaviour, manner and communication of body language are key components which help to make meaningful relationships. Empathy and compassion are inherent in the role of a care professional, and when these are demonstrated, it helps for clients to feel seen, heard, understood and cared for.

The service user’s supporting circle of family and friends need empathy and compassion too, as often the suffering of the individual needing care is connected with the people who care about them. Strong and nurturing relationships promote the feeling of stability and trust, and without this, care professionals leave their clients and their support circles vulnerable.

We also need to look after the connections we create with other staff members. When we reach out to our colleagues in their moment of need, it helps for individuals to feel connected and valued in their work enviroment.  In addition, when colleagues demonstrate active listening and express empathy and compassion, service user’s and their supporting circle gain an insight into the authenticity of their carers by the way that they treat others.

Eve Jones – Art Psychotherapist.



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